Let’s start by saying a big thank you to all those that attended, donated prizes, took part and placed bids in our auction and raffle! The ABTA LifeLine Manchester Dinner raised an excellent £7192.4 which is very close to the value we had last year inspite having less tables, we are so very grateful to all of our guests that made this possible.

Just like in previous years, we hosted our ABTA LifeLine Manchester dinner at the Lowry. It is an incredible location and the perfect spot for our event, so much so we keep on coming back. Entertaining us for the evening was the band ‘Ellie and the Giants’, who did a fantastic job in bringing the dance out of our travel industry guests.

There was nearly a comical spot of confusion with the dress code ‘summer party wear’, as we nearly had some guests turn up in fancy dress. Fortunately however we managed to quickly rectify this. Although it would have been quite amusing to see one of our guest’s first costume idea, of swimwear and snorkels! (Maybe we’ll put that on hold until next year!)

We’ve had some great feedback from the event so far with some really great ideas for next year. We look forward to being able to host this event again. Although in hindsight we’ll choose some slightly different dates so as not to clash with other events in the travel industry, that way we can get more people involved. Good news to both those that wanted to attend and couldn’t make it, and to ABTA LifeLine’s fundraising goals.

Events like this are integral for funding ABTA LifeLine, so that we can support more applicants. We are constantly working on raising awareness of what we do for those that need it, and it seems to be working! Last year, we gave out £4000 in food vouchers for the whole year, however demand has now increased. During the first half of this year we have already exceeded this value, with the promise to keep on increasing. The more awareness we raise the more applicants we’ll be able to reach, this is why events such as these are so important. Thank you again for all of your continued support in the work that we do.