Next Wednesday 22 January ABTA LifeLine will be supporting the Association of Charitable Organisations’, of which it is a member, ‘One Day Changes Lives Campaign.’ Charities from across the nation will be coming together to show how they are changing lives every day by sharing case studies and stories of where their support has helped those in need. 

The campaign will show an individual act of support granted by a charity; one day can have a huge impact in improving someone’s life. 

Last year ABTA LifeLine helped more than 1300 people from across our travel industry, in particular the Thomas Cook community that lost their jobs with no notice. Some have since found jobs and some haven’t and still need our support. From single parents, to people on long term sick, those on maternity leave, couples that both lost their jobs, the affect has been devastating. We have been working hard to support this community the best we can. But our help doesn’t stop there.

We know that January can be a difficult, challenging time for some. So we want all our ABTA Members and their employee community to know that we are here to help and support their colleagues in a time of need. From help with essential living costs and needs (bills, food, white goods), to life changing events (disability, long term illness) and the unexpected (bereavement, accident) our lifeline really does extend far and wide. 

Through our partner Citizens Advice Manchester we can help with benefit, debt, budgeting and housing advice, getting you back on track after Christmas; and if you need mental health support we can help with counselling. 

We will tailor our support to the individual and their family. Nothing is too big or too small for us to consider, and everything is treated in strict confidence.

So if you need help or know someone that does, please tell them about ABTA LifeLine.

You can find out more about how charities make a huge difference on Wednesday by following @ACObenevolence and of course @ABTALifeLine.